Local News

County Commissioners Final Business Session & Workshop this Morning

The final County Business Session of the year takes place this morning at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium.

The agenda contains two administrative actions designed to update the administrative policies and procedures for the County. The first item will be the approval of order number 2024-078, updating Administrative Policy. The second will be order number 2024-079, updating Personnel Policy.

Included in the agenda are Requests and Comments from Citizens, Board Review of Public Comments, approval of a consent calendar and Matters from Commissioners.

The Commissioners will then move to their conference room in the Court House for an administrative workshop slated to begin at 10 a.m.

That agenda contains, among other items, filling a vacant Board of County Commissioners position, the Private Structural Fire Service Providers Ordinance, moving the Risk Manager to Human Resources, the Josephine County Hiring Freeze and moving the OSU/4H Building into the Fairgrounds Master Plan.

Both meetings will be live streamed on the County’s website.
Posted on 12/31/24 4:43AM by Chuck Benson