Local News

Board of Commissioners Made Decisions on 8 Items in Lengthy Business Agenda
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners tackled a lengthy agenda during its weekly business session this morning. The Board made eight decisions on a total of 11 items it considered under Administrative Actions. No action was taken by the Board on a proposed letter of support and commitment to Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council for a grant to improve fish passage on Cheney Creek by building a new $4 million bridge. No general fund dollars were at stake from the 10% matching grant, but no motion was made. The Commissioners approved orders for the annual sale of surplus vehicles from the Public Works Department and confirming the November 14, 2024, Sheriff's Property Sale while authorizing the distribution of $807,000 in proceeds. Also unanimously approved were orders suspending the acceptance of mineral exploration permits and mining leases for one year, establishing the Josephine County Voluntary Resignation Program and canceling next week's business session due to a lack of a quorum. Two resolutions were approved regarding the resetting of appointments and terms for the Josephine County Budget Committee and the Illinois Valley Airport Advisory Committee. A similar resolution for the Rural Planning Commission was scrapped because appointments and terms are dictated by Oregon Revised Statutes. Board Chair Andreas Blech commented that there will be future presentation of Josephine County Merit Awards to several Transit employees who assisted with a recent bus fire at the fueling depot.
Posted on 2/19/25 11:47AM by Sam Marsh

Deputies Incarcerated Felon for Breaking into Rural Residence Just West of GP
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a felon for breaking into a house just west of Grants Pass yesterday. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested 40-year-old Dustin Paul Taetz at a home in the 500-block of Country Aire Drive on Tuesday around 2:45 p.m.. Deputies said the homeowner called 9-1-1 to report seeing a male subject on his property through a Ring camera. The caller advised the subject went into the garage and entered the house through an unlocked door. He was concerned due to firearms and other valuables that were secured inside the residence. Upon arrival, deputies contacted Taetz who claimed he was working at a nearby residence and a Chevrolet Blazer on the property was his. However, a family member said no one but his stepmother drives the vehicle and Taetz was not working for her. Taetz was immediately placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 1st-Degree Burglary and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass plus Felony Parole Violation. He was being held on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 2/19/25 11:45AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Jailed Man for Continuing to Violate Court Order Secured by Mother
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for continuing to violate a court order by trying to contact his mother at a west-city residence. The Police Department reports officers responded to a domestic disturbance in the 1400-block of SW Bridge Street on Tuesday at 5:20 p.m.. Police said a woman called 9-1-1 to report that her son -- 35-year-old Anthony Allen Harrell -- was on her front porch knocking loudly on her door. She secured a court order protecting her from her son, but he continues to go to her residence. Officers arrived on scene and arrested Harrell for two counts of Contempt of Court-Restraining Order Violation. Records show he has been jailed several times this year for the same offense, but he keeps returning there after being released. Harrell was once again lodged without bail in the Josephine County Jail.
Posted on 2/19/25 11:44AM by Sam Marsh

Deputies Snared IV Man on Local Warrant during Patrol Check in Cave Junction
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested an Illinois Valley man on a local warrant in Cave Junction early yesterday. According to the Sheriff's Office, deputies contacted 30-year-old Joshua Michael Delkittie at the 76 gas station on South Redwood Highway at 9:53 a.m. Tuesday. Deputies said they spotted Delkittie and knew that he was wanted on a Josephine County felony warrant for Probation Violation related to a past arrest for Mail Theft. Delkittie was placed into custody and transported to the Josephine County Jail where he was lodged in lieu of posting $30,000 bail.
Posted on 2/19/25 11:43AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Cited Motorist & Pedestrian after Collision in North Part of the City
Grants Pass Police cited a motorist and a pedestrian for violations yesterday after the driver struck the man while he was jaywalking in the north part of the city. According to the Police Department, officers and emergency crews responded to the incident at the intersection of NE Hillcrest Drive and 6th Street on Tuesday shortly after 1 p.m.. Police said an investigation determined that a female motorist they identified only as "Wibbens" was driving a vehicle west on Hillcrest and she struck a pedestrian while crossing 6th. They said she had a green light and the pedestrian did not. Upon arrival, officers found the male pedestrian down in the roadway and bleeding -- but he refused medical transport to the hospital. He was cited for Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device. Wibbens was cited for Driving While Suspended and No Insurance. Her vehicle was impounded.
Posted on 2/19/25 11:41AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man on 2 Local Warrants in Riverside Park Patrol Check
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on two outstanding warrants while performing a patrol check at a city park early yesterday. During a Tuesday morning patrol check of Riverside Park, officers noted that they observed 47 tents and made four contacts with campers. One of those contacts was with 42-year-old George Williams who was found to be wanted on two Grants Pass warrants for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass. He was cited to appear in court on March 18th. GPPD remains under a temporary restraining order which prohibits it from enforcing camping regulations in public spaces. However, the agency can still contact campers and arrest them if they are found to be wanted.
Posted on 2/19/25 11:40AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Collared Statewide Fugitive Following Report of Suspicious Activity
Grants Pass Police apprehended a fugitive wanted on a statewide felony warrant early yesterday following a report of suspicious activity in the downtown area. The Police Department reports officers arrested 56-year-old Matthew Carl Montgomery in the 200-block of SW K Street on Tuesday around 6 a.m.. Police said they were alerted to two male subjects inside a Volkswagen Bug that was parked along the street. The caller told dispatchers that one of the men had a crowbar or pipe of some kind. Upon arrival, officers contacted Montgomery and discovered that he was wanted on an Oregon State warrant for Parole Violation stemming from a past conviction for a weapon-related offense. He was placed into custody without incident. Montgomery was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer. His male companion was ordered to move along.
Posted on 2/19/25 6:38AM by Sam Marsh
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Josephine Jail Inmate Served with Warrants Out of Medford & Jackson County
A Josephine County Jail inmate was served with two outstanding warrants this week. The Sheriff's Office reports jail deputies served 33-year-old Tyler Austin Bryant with warrants issued by the Medford Police Department and Jackson County Sheriff's Office on Monday night. The Medford warrant charges Bryant with Felony 1st-Degree Theft while the Jackson County warrant charges him with failing to appear in court for Driving While Suspended. Jail records show Bryant was already serving a 116-day sentence for Felony Parole Violation. He remains in custody on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 2/19/25 6:31AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Snared GP Man on Outstanding Warrants during Incident near Wilderville
The Oregon State Police arrested a Grants Pass man on outstanding warrants this week during an incident on Redwood Highway in Wilderville. OSP reports troopers stopped with two suspicious vehicles at the intersection of US Highway 199 and Old Redwood Highway on Monday morning. Troopers said a male subject identified with one of the vehicles was identified as 65-year-old Timothy K. Cooper and he was found to have multiple warrants for his arrest. He was wanted for Driving While Suspended and two bench warrants for failing to appear in court. Cooper was placed into custody and transported to the Josephine County Jail where he was found to be in possession of methamphetamine. The narcotic was seized for destruction. Cooper was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrants while charges of Meth Possession and Supplying Contraband were referred to the District Attorney's Office for consideration.
Posted on 2/19/25 6:29AM by Sam Marsh
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Illinois Valley Crews Extinguished Recreational Vehicle Fire in Cave Junction
The Illinois Valley Fire District extinguished a large vehicle fire in Cave Junction late yesterday. On Tuesday at 5:04 p.m., IVFD crews were dispatched to what was reported to be a structure fire in the 200-block of Pinewood Way. Upon arrival, firefighters discovered a fully-involved large recreational vehicle fire. The fire was quickly put out and will be subject to a thorough investigation. There were no injuries reported, but the RV was totally destroyed. IVFD officials said the initial structure fire response level necessitated the allocation of resources from Rural Metro Fire Department and American Medical Response. However, those resources were canceled.
Posted on 2/19/25 6:27AM by Sam Marsh
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Two Elderly CJ Residents Escaped Injury in Highway 199 Crash near Kerby
Two elderly Cave Junction residents escaped injury when their vehicle crashed on Redwood Highway near Kerby. The Oregon State Police reports troopers and emergency crews responded to the single-vehicle wreck on US Highway 199 at Reeves Creek Road on Monday afternoon. Troopers said the preliminary investigation indicated the 87-year-old male driver of a Chevrolet pickup fell asleep at the wheel and the vehicle left the highway. According to OSP, the male driver and his 81-year-old wife were not hurt. The driver made arrangements for his own tow back to Cave Junction.
Posted on 2/19/25 6:26AM by Sam Marsh
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Packed Agenda Awaits Josephine County Board of Commissioners Today
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners faces a packed agenda for its weekly business session this morning. The Board will make decisions on a total of 11 items under Administrative Actions. The Commissioners will consider nominations for Josephine County Merit Awards plus a Letter of Support and Commitment to Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council. Also on the agenda are the Annual Sale of County Surplus Vehicles and a contract with JB Steel, LLC. The Board will also consider three orders including Suspending Acceptance of Mineral Exploration Permits and Mining Leases, Establishing a Josephine County Voluntary Resignation Program, and canceling the weekly business session next week. In other business, there are three resolutions dealing with Resetting Appointments and Terms for the Josephine County Budget Committee, the Josephine County Rural Planning Commission and Illinois Valley Airports Advisory Committee. Today's public meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium.
Posted on 2/19/25 6:18AM by Sam Marsh
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