GP Police Cited Teen Motorist for Crashing into Metal Utility Pole at South Y
Grants Pass Police cited a young motorist after she lost control of her vehicle and crashed into a utility pole at the intersection of Redwood and Williams highways last night.
Police officers and emergency crews responded to the single-vehicle wreck near the South Y on Wednesday around 9:15 p.m..
Police said a 17-year-old female subject was driving a Mazda sedan too fast for the conditions and lost control of the car, causing it to collide with a utility pole. The metal pole fell across the merge lane onto Redwood Highway, but no one was hurt.
The Oregon Department of Transportation and Pacific Power were notified about the mishap and they sent crews to affect repairs.
Total damages were estimated at well over $2,500 and the young driver told police she did not have any insurance on the vehicle, which was heavily damaged and towed from the scene.
The motorist was cited for Careless Driving and No Insurance.
Posted on 12/12/24 11:25AM by Sam Marsh