Local News

GP City Council Approves MINT Proposal to Fund Purchase of Parker Place Facility

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The Mobile Integrative Navigation Team (MINT) will purchase the Parker Place Property on Redwood Highway with funding being supplied by the City of Grants Pass following two 5-3 votes by the Council Wednesday night.

The Council approved two resolutions authorizing a grant agreement between the City of Grants Pass and MINT -- the first for a navigation center and shelter to address homeless issues in the amount of $460,000 for the property at 220 Redwood Highway and the second to purchase land at 210 Redwood Highway for approximately $200,000. Funds will come from the City’s contingency fund.

The permanent shelter will open within six months and be able to house 20 people inside plus provide a campground for an additional 30 tent sites -- with the goal to be able to accommodate 100 unhoused individuals within 18 months.

Certain conditions were placed upon MINT in a 10-year trust deed with provisions for certain performance standards that could result in Grants Pass taking possession of the properties if they are not met.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:02AM by Sam Marsh