Local News

Board Finalizes Sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church

The Josephine County Board of Commissioners finalized the sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church during its weekly business session today.

County Legal Counsel Wally Hicks testified that the total purchase price of the facility next to Grants Pass Downs at the Fairgrounds is $9.5 million, with a cash down payment of $4.5 million followed by monthly installments of approximately $18,000 for the balance of the property transaction.

After administrative fees of $500,000 are deducted, the $9 million balance will be placed in a "Fairgrounds Permanent Fund" with the annual interest available for the Fairgrounds to use for capital improvements and other projects. Current and past members of the Josephine County Fair Board were in attendance and Recreation Director Tamra Martin expressed their satisfaction with the completion of the sale.

Hicks also spoke about a lease-option agreement for property around The Flying Lark that the church will use for parking. The church has the option to purchase the parking area for $150,000 if it does so before the end of 2028. There is also an easement agreement for a strip of land off Pansy Lane included in the transaction.

In other business, the Board approved ODOT-delivered federally-funded bridge projects on Fruitdale Drive and Rogue River Highway over Fruitdale Creek as well as on Takilma Road over Althouse Creek. Public Works Director Rob Brandes said his department would not be able to complete the fish passage enhancements that will total more than $7 million without state and federal funding.

The Board also continued its cleanup of the Josephine County Code by repealing a chapter regarding water quality inside the Grants Pass urban growth boundary and amending a chapter to allow bounce houses in county parks with prior permission.
Posted on 12/4/24 11:32AM by Sam Marsh