Local News

GP City Council Approves Reimbursement Districts, New Committee & New Campground

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The Grants Pass City Council last night took action on four items related to extending infrastructure to new developments, a new advisory committee and a new designated campground for the unhoused population.

Following public hearings, the City Council approved two ordinances that create reimbursement districts for the Buckmaster Subdivision Water Main Extension and the E Street Sewer Extension.

The Council also passed a resolution creating a Public Safety Advisory Committee whose focus will be to study the needs and resources available in the community to help educate themselves and the public as they propose a long-term stable plan to fund public safety in Grants Pass. The committee will be composed of one member of the Chamber of Commerce, one Budget Committee member, one downtown business owner, one business owner inside the city limits, one city resident who is not a business owner, two citizens at-large, a police/fire liaison and one City Council liaison.

After lengthy discussion from the Council and public comments on the merits of closing the 6th & A Street campground and adding a new location next to the Grants Pass Police Department on NE 7th Street, the resolution passed.

The main concerns from the public were the decrease in space available at the 7th Street site compared to the current space at 6th & A, and that the SE J Street site is temporary as construction of the new Water Treatment Plant is slated to begin next spring.
Posted on 10/3/24 6:13AM by Sam Marsh