Gasoline Thief Arrested & Lodged by Sheriff’s Deputies
Stealing gasoline from a vehicle at a resort on Galice Road landed a man in the Josephine County jail.
The Sheriff’s dispatch received a call just after 6.a.m. Friday morning from a resort employee who observed the suspect under a vehicle in the gravel lot directly in front of the boat ramp cutting the fuel line.
The caller was informed there were no Deputies on duty until seven a.m. and one would respond as soon as they were able to. Approximately three minutes later a 2nd caller also reported the suspect attempting to steal gas and the incident was captured on video.
The Resort’s managers detained the suspect at 6;54 a.m. and the Deputy arrived at 7:12 a.m. The suspect, who was not identified in the Sheriff’s narrative, was arrested, transported and lodged in the Josephine County jail facing charges of theft III and criminal mischief II.