Local News

State Agency Moving to Fund West Valley View Plan Upgrade Project in City of Talent

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The Oregon Housing and Community Services Department (OHCS) has advised the City of Talent of its intent to fund the city's proposed West Valley View Plan Upgrade and Revitalization Project in the amount of nearly $4.3 million.

Talent Mayor Darby Ayers-Flood said this is very welcome news, adding that the project is key to the economic recovery of the community. She said it's also a project that will ultimately unify several neighborhoods through improved connectivity.

The project would include infrastructure improvements needed to prepare the Gateway site for redevelopment as a mixed-use, workforce housing and commercial development. Other work would include an extension of Wagner Street east of Talent Avenue and a fully-improved street with sidewalks, drainage and curbs on Gangnes Loop.

The funding is provided through the federal Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program. The funding allocation is subject to a final review of the project scope by OHCS, completion of a community outreach program and other federal funding conditions.

The City is also working with OHCS and ACCESS to develop a relocation plan for the remaining Almeda Fire victims currently living in trailers at the Gateway site. The current agreement to provide the site for temporary housing expires in January 2025.
Posted on 6/13/24 6:19AM by Sam Marsh