More than 65 dedicated individuals -- including staff, parents and community members -- came together at Grants Pass High School last weekend to engage in a two-day strategic planning workshop.
According to a District 7 press release, the group worked Friday and Saturday to evaluate the current state of Grants Pass public schools and develop a set of goals to drive future progress and success for the district.
After enthusiastic collaboration and discussion, the group presented the Grants Pass School Board with five key goals they would like to be the focus of D7's efforts in the coming years. The goals are improve academic and social-emotional outcomes for all students; implement behavioral supports and interventions; focus on recruitment and retention of staff; enhance Career & Technical Education, dual enrollment, post-secondary and career connections; and strengthen community engagement and partnerships.
These goals will serve as a roadmap for the district's future direction and will guide decision-making as GP schools strive to provide the best possible education for their students. The Board will now begin the process of reviewing these goals and working toward formalizing them into action objectives for the coming years.
D7 School Board Chair Cassie Wilkins expressed gratitude for the hard work and dedication shown by all participants in the strategic planning workshop.
District staff and the Board will continue refining and finalizing the strategic plan to ensure it aligns with policy and state law. The final five-year plan is expected to be approved in August.