Local News

Large Earthquake Off California Coast Rattles Region including Southwest Oregon
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A 7.0 earthquake off the northern coast of California yesterday led to a tsunami warning along parts of the California and Oregon coast. The tsunami warning was canceled shortly before noon. The Oregonian reports the earthquake occurred at 10:44 a.m. Thursday about 40 miles off the coast of California near Petrolia at a depth of less than half a mile. Though the earthquake happened in California, many people in Oregon, along the coast and in the southern part of the state, received alerts on their phones through ShakeAlert, an early warning system from the U.S. Geological Survey. The area where the earthquake occurred is known as the Mendocino Triple Junction, likely near the Mendocino Fracture Zone. The Mendocino Triple Junction is where the Gorda, North American and Pacific plates meet. The area is quite active – it experienced a 6.4 earthquake on Dec. 20, 2022, a 6.2 on Dec. 20, 2021 and 6.6 on Dec. 8, 2016. The National Weather Service estimated that waves could begin in Port Orford at 11:20 a.m., Brookings at 11:25 a.m. and Charleston at 11:40 a.m. but, according to the agency, those waves did not materialize. Still, people along the coast should also be prepared for aftershocks.
Posted on 12/6/24 6:12AM by Sam Marsh

Medford District BLM Announces Seasonal Closure of Bear Camp Road Starts Monday
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The Medford District of the Bureau of Land Management has announced that it is closing the gate on Bear Camp Road on Monday. The gate on Bear Camp Road near Galice is closed annually for public safety due to winter weather. The gate will remain closed until snow conditions allow for safe passage in the spring. Travelers are advised to use Redwood Highway as an alternate route. Bear Camp Road, which is managed by both the BLM and US Forest Service, is a remote, mountainous road that connects the Rogue Valley to coastal areas. It is not plowed during the winter and weather conditions can often change quickly, making road conditions treacherous. The BLM and Forest Service remind the public that it is crucial to "Know Before You Go" this time of year. Be prepared by bringing additional warm clothing, water and extra food to account for unexpectedly longer travel times. Carry chains, a flashlight and proper attire to install the chains, should the need arise. Many back-country roads do not have cell service. Always let someone know your expected travel route.
Posted on 12/6/24 6:09AM by Sam Marsh

2024 Grants Pass Christmas Parade Set for Saturday Evening in Downtown Area
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Wet and cold weather notwithstanding, the 2024 Grants Pass Christmas Parade will take place Saturday evening in the downtown area. The annual parade starts at 7 p.m. and it runs south from 6th and C streets to 6th and L streets. Citizens are invited to come enjoy the sights and sounds of the holiday parade, with floats, marching bands and plenty of candy to go around. Parade headquarters is at Casablanca Coffee & Grill at 412 NW 6th Street. Several streets will be closed from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday to accommodate the parade. Detours will be in place on 6th Street from A to M streets, side streets between A and F streets, side streets between 4th and 7th streets from B to G streets, side streets between 5th and 7th streets at E Street, and from H to M streets. Motorists are advised to avoid the area and find alternate routes, but emergency vehicles will be allowed through. For information, please visit "grantspasschristmasparade.org."
Posted on 12/6/24 6:02AM by Sam Marsh

Large Earthquake Off California Coast Rattles Region including SW Oregon
A 7.3 earthquake off the northern coast of California this morning led to a tsunami warning along parts of the California and Oregon coast. The tsunami warning was canceled shortly before noon. The earthquake occurred at 10:44 a.m. about 40 miles off the coast of California near Petrolia at a depth of less than half a mile. Though the earthquake happened in California, many people in Oregon, along the coast and in the southern part of the state, received alerts on their phones through ShakeAlert, an early warning system from the U.S. Geological Survey. The area where the earthquake occurred is known as the Mendocino Triple Junction, likely near the Mendocino Fracture Zone. The Mendocino Triple Junction is where the Gorda, North American and Pacific plates meet. The area is quite active – it experienced a 6.4 earthquake on Dec. 20, 2022, a 6.2 on Dec. 20, 2021 and 6.6 on Dec. 8, 2016. The National Weather Service estimated that waves could begin in Port Orford at 11:20 a.m., Brookings at 11:25 a.m. and Charleston at 11:40 a.m. but, according to the agency, those waves did not materialize. Still, people along the coast should also be prepared for aftershocks. The tsunami warning was in effect for the south central Oregon Coast and Curry County coast from 10:49 a.m. to 11:49 a.m. It stretched from 10 miles northwest of Santa Cruz to 10 miles southwest of Florence.
Posted on 12/5/24 12:54PM by Sam Marsh
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GPCC Approves FEMA Compliance, CDBG Report & Other Business Measures
The Grants Pass City Council approved a Community Development Block Grant report, annexed a property into the city, okayed a FEMA compliance measure and amended certain fee schedules during its regular business meeting last night. The City Council first approved a resolution to accept the CDBG annual report for 2023. Federal regulations require the city to annually assess the program's accomplishments and describe any obstacles encountered. The City received $361,709 in program funds in October of 2023 through September of 2024 to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment by expanding economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents. The last day to submit the report to HUD is December 27th. The City Council then approved an ordinance annexing property located at 1907 Fruitdale Drive into the city limits. The applicant -- Home Bridging, Inc, -- sought the annexation so the property can be connected to municipal utilities. A pre-implementation compliance measure mandated by FEMA requires impacted Oregon communities to demonstrate how development within the special flood hazard area and riparian buffer zone is compliant with the endangered species act. It was adopted by resolution. Grants Pass has approximately 1,088 properties affected. Letters will be sent to affected property owners about the coming changes and notifying those affected about future meetings to explain the requirement. Annual cost-of-living fee schedule adjustments was increased by around 3%. Rebecca Cavanaugh was appointed to the Parks Advisory Committee. Grants Pass’ new sister city Autlan de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico, was recognized. Incidentally, that is the hometown of famous rock guitarist Carlos Santana.
Posted on 12/5/24 11:21AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Josephine County Corrections Client on State Felony Warrant
Grants Pass Police arrested a Josephine County Community Corrections client on a statewide felony warrant early yesterday. The Police Department reports officers arrested 54-year-old David Edward Anderson, Jr., at the Corrections Office on NW 4th Street at 9:53 a.m. Wednesday. Police said Anderson's corrections officer reported that his client was wanted on an Oregon State warrant for Parole Violation related to a conviction for a weapon offense. He was contacted in the office lobby and placed into custody, apparently unaware that he was about to be arrested. Anderson was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 12/5/24 11:19AM by Sam Marsh
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Josephine County Jail Inmate Served with Felony Warrant from Klamath County
A Josephine County Jail inmate is facing additional charges after he was served with an outside felony warrant yesterday. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies served a Klamath County felony warrant on 34-year-old Jonathan Javier Montes at the jail facility on Wednesday at 3:20 p.m.. Deputies said Montes' corrections officer was contacted by the Klamath County District Attorney's Office about the warrant, which listed a charge of Probation Violation related to a 2021 arrest for Felon in Possession of a Firearm. According to the report, Montes was already in custody for violating his probation related to a local arrest for an unspecified crime. Montes continues to be held at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 12/5/24 11:18AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man for Repeatedly Calling 911 to Report Wife Hurting Him
Grants Pass Police arrested a man last night after he continually called the 9-1-1 Communications Center to report his estranged wife allegedly injuring him. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a domestic disturbance at a home in the 800-block of Mesman Drive on Wednesday around 8:15 p.m.. Police said the 50-year-old male subject initially called 9-1-1 to report that he came home and his wife attacked him by scratching him on the chest. He hung up and then called back, stating that he wanted to pursue charges against his wife. He kept calling back to the Dispatch Center, demanding to speak to a supervisor. Officers arrived on scene and determined there was an ongoing conflict between the man and his wife of 30 years. She had packed her belongings into a Subaru and was preparing to move to Washington. However, the man decided he did not want her to take the car and a verbal altercation between the two transpired in their yard. Further investigation determined that the husband pushed his wife when she walked past him and she grabbed him by the bathrobe before he shoved her to the ground and they wrestled before separating. Officers said no probable cause existed to arrest either party for minor mutual combat that did not result in significant injuries. Not satisfied, the man called 9-1-1 several more times. The husband advised he was going to call the Attorney General and file a complaint that police were not doing their job. He was eventually placed into custody and lodged in jail without bail for Improper Use of 9-1-1.
Posted on 12/5/24 11:17AM by Sam Marsh
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Two Motorists Hurt When Their Vehicles Collided in New Hope Area Last Night
Two motorists were hurt when their vehicles collided in the New Hope area last night. On Wednesday at 6:11 p.m., Rural Metro Fire Department and American Medical Response were dispatched to the two-vehicle crash at the intersection of New Hope and Stringer Gap roads. Rural Metro officials said an Oregon State Police trooper arrived immediately and began rendering aid. First arriving rescue crews from Rural Metro triaged the scene and ordered a second ambulance from AMR. Both drivers were transported by ambulance to Three Rivers Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. Officials said the intersection was partially blocked, but traffic was minimally impacted. Foggy conditions were present at the scene, but the exact cause of the crash was under investigation by OSP.
Posted on 12/5/24 11:15AM by Sam Marsh
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Authorities Investigating Cause of Structure Fire that Destroyed CJ Area House
Authorities were investigating the cause of a fire that destroyed a home near Cave Junction last night. On Wednesday at 7:48 p.m., the Illinois Valley Fire District and American Medical Response were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 1,000-block of Queen of Bronze Road. Upon arrival, emergency units encountered a fully-involved residential structure. IVFD officials said the fire was fully suppressed and overhaul operations were completed, but the house was completely destroyed. No injuries were reported, but the American Red Cross was contacted to provide assistance to one adult occupant. Rural Metro Fire Department initiated a response to the fire, but the request was cancelled and their units were redeployed to their designated service area.
Posted on 12/5/24 11:14AM by Sam Marsh
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Investigators Release Information about November 22nd Murder in Wolf Creek
Nearly two weeks after a man was murdered in Wolf Creek, the Oregon State Police has finally released official information about the incident. On November 22nd at 2 p.m., OSP and the Josephine County Sheriff's Office responded to a reported stabbing on Grave Creek Road near milepost 7. OSP said 34-year-old Daniel Wayne Finney of Wolf Creek was located near his vehicle with multiple stab wounds. They said Finney was able to communicate with the reporting party prior to passing away. Investigators arrived on scene and located additional evidence of the crime before identifying 29-year-old Keandra Demetrius Blanding of Springfield as the primary suspect. The Josephine County Sheriff's Office requested the OSP Major Crimes Section lead the investigation. At approximately midnight, detectives located Blanding's vehicle in White City. About an hour later, Blanding was arrested and lodged at the jail facility in Grants Pass. On November 24th, Blanding was indicted by a Josephine County grand jury on charges of 2nd-Degree Murder and Unlawful Use of a Weapon. OSP was assisted by the Sheriff's Office, Oregon State Medical Examiner and the OSP Forensics Division. Due to the ongoing criminal prosecution, no further information is available for release at this time.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:48AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Felon for Old & New Crimes after He Entered Options Facility
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for both old and new crimes after he was caught trying to break into a mental health and drug treatment facility in the downtown area this week. The Police Department reports officers arrested 36-year-old Eric Thomas Hermes for the incident at the Options for Southern Oregon facility in the 400-block of SW 5th Street on Tuesday night. Police said a caller from a neighboring business reported observing a male subject later identified as Hermes unlawfully entering the Options Hub and trying to get inside the building through a window. All gates to the property had been locked and they were clearly marked with "No Trespassing" signs. An Options employee was contacted and arrived at the facility, identifying Hermes as the suspect. He was found to be wanted on a Josephine County felony warrant for Parole Violation related to past convictions for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. According to the report, the convicted felon initially provided law enforcement with a false name. He was also found to be in possession of a spring-assisted knife which is a direct violation of his post-prison supervision. Hermes was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant plus new charges of Attempted 2nd-Degree Burglary, Felon in Possession of a Restricted Weapon, Criminal Trespass and Furnishing False Information to Police.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:46AM by Sam Marsh
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