The Josephine Community Library Foundation is inviting the public to attend one of three upcoming meetings to offer feedback on design concepts for a future library in downtown Grants Pass. Library leaders and architects from ZCS Engineering & Architecture will present design concepts and answer questions about the proposed features of the new library. The feedback provided by attendees will help inform decisions on the final concept for the new library in the downtown area. The first meeting is set for Saturday at noon at Milas Moments Studios, 613 SE 6th Street. It was moved from Weekend Beer Company due to the hot weather. The next meeting will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 25th, at the Fruitdale Grange, 1440 Parkdale Drive, and the third meeting will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 27th, at the Redwood Grange, 1830 Redwood Avenue. In 2023, the library foundation purchased the block between 6th and 7th streets and J and K streets for a new library as part of its support for new and improved facilities for Josephine Community Library and the community. Thanks to the efforts of library leaders, individual and foundation donors, and grant funders, the community raised more than $1.9 million in private contributions to purchase the property. For more information about this project, visit ""