Local News

Josephine County Sheriff's Deputies Jailed Man for Driving Stolen Honda Accord
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a man early yesterday for driving a stolen vehicle. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies pulled over a 1997 Honda Accord driven by 60-year-old Douglas Don Cleveland, II, in an unspecified location on Thursday at 1:40 a.m.. The Sheriff's Log provided limited information on the incident, but deputies and the Oregon State Police were involved in the traffic stop in which it was learned that the Honda had been reported stolen by the Grants Pass Police Department. Cleveland was charged with Felony Possession of a Stolen Vehicle because it could not be proven that he committed the automobile heist. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail without bail. Troopers stood by while the stolen car was returned to its registered owner. The license plates had been removed from the vehicle.
Posted on 2/14/25 11:08AM by Sam Marsh

Troopers Investigating Vehicle Theft on Redwood Highway at Riverbanks Road
The Oregon State Police was investigating a vehicle theft that allegedly occurred last night on Redwood Highway at Riverbanks Road. OSP reports troopers received a report of a stolen Acura MDX near the intersection of US Highway 199 and State Route 260 on Thursday shortly after 8 p.m.. Few details were available, but a 50-year-old Grants Pass woman made the report and the vehicle was described as gray with Oregon license plate "157MVN." Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to dial *OSP.
Posted on 2/14/25 11:07AM by Sam Marsh

Jail Inmate Served with Statewide Felony Warrant Upon Arrival at GP Facility
A Josephine County Jail inmate was served with a statewide felony warrant upon his arrival at the Grants Pass facility early yesterday. According to the Sheriff's Office, 36-year-old Adam Joseph Jensen arrived at the jail on NE F Street via prisoner transport on Thursday around 6:40 a.m.. It was not disclosed where Jensen had been arrested, but he was wanted on an Oregon State warrant for Parole Violation stemming from a previous conviction for Indecent Exposure. He allegedly exposed himself to both adults and children. Jensen was being held on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 2/14/25 11:05AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Snared Woman on 2 Warrants after She Stole Small Toy from WinCo
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman on two outstanding warrants yesterday after she was caught stealing a small toy from a local supermarket. The Police Department reports officers responded to the petty theft incident at WinCo Foods on NE Terry Lane on Thursday around 12:45 p.m.. Police said 29-year-old Brittanie Marie Fazzone concealed a toy valued at $3 from WinCo and tried to leave the store without paying for it, but she was detained by loss prevention. She was described as "cooperative." Upon arrival, police discovered that Fazzone was wanted on a Jackson County felony warrant for failing to appear in court for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and a Multnomah County warrant for Possession of Methamphetamine and Fentanyl. Fazzone was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrants plus a new charge of 3rd-Degree Theft. She was being held without bail.
Posted on 2/14/25 11:04AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Arrested Central Point Woman for DUII after Wreck on Riverbanks Road
The Oregon State Police arrested a Central Point woman for impaired driving after she wrecked her vehicle on Riverbanks Road late yesterday. OSP reports troopers and emergency crews responded to the single-vehicle crash near milepost 20 of State Route 260 on Thursday at 4:30 p.m.. Troopers said an investigation determined that a 53-year-old woman was driving a Ford Explorer when she lost control of the SUV and crashed into an embankment. They said she sustained minor injuries and denied medical treatment. According to OSP, the woman showed obvious signs of impairment and -- due to her extreme level of intoxication -- she was unable to stand or perform sobriety tests. She was transported by ambulance to Three Rivers Medical Center where a search warrant was obtained and a legal blood draw was performed. The suspect was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and Reckless Driving. She was cited to appear in court and released to hospital staff. Her wrecked SUV was impounded.
Posted on 2/14/25 11:01AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Nabbed CJ Woman for Impaired Driving after Crash into Highway Ditch
The Oregon State Police arrested a Cave Junction woman for impaired driving last night after she crashed into a ditch along Redwood Highway. According to OSP, troopers and emergency crews responded to the single-vehicle wreck near milepost 31 of US Highway 199 on Thursday at 6:13 p.m.. Troopers said the 66-year-old woman was driving a Saturn Ion when she missed her turn and the car ended up nose-first in a ditch. Traffic control measures were implemented to maintain traffic flow and keep the highway open. The woman showed signs of impairment at the scene and she was taken to the Cave Junction Substation where she provided a urine sample for analysis. It was suspected that she was driving under the influence of narcotics. The suspect was charged with suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of Controlled Substances and Reckless Driving. She was cited to appear in court and released, but her car was impounded.
Posted on 2/14/25 11:00AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Woman for Resting in Motel Lobby & Refusing to Leave
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman who was camping out in the lobby of a local motel last night. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a trespassing complaint at the Riverside Inn on SW 6th Street near Caveman Bridge at 9:22 p.m. Thursday. Police said motel staff called 9-1-1 to report a female subject later identified as 65-year-old Shelley Irene West entered the lobby, sat down on a couch and refused to leave when it became apparent that she was neither customer nor guest. Upon arrival, officers contacted West and she once again refused to leave the motel. She was placed into custody and lodged in jail for Criminal Trespass.
Posted on 2/14/25 10:58AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Man for Assaulting Estranged Wife and Returning to Her Home
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for beating up his estranged wife when he returned to her residence this week. The Police Department reports officers arrested 49-year-old John Scott Jessen for the incident at a residence on SW Laurel Street on Wednesday. Police said a woman called 9-1-1 to report that Jessen had assaulted her Tuesday night, returned the next morning and was yelling at her through the door. She told dispatchers they were still legally married -- but separated -- and she had locked the door to keep him outside. She said he broke her phone when she tried to call for help the night before. Jessen left the scene, but the alleged victim said she believed he went to apartments on SW Bridge Street where his children live. That's where officers located him and placed him into custody. Jessen was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for probable cause of Strangulation, Menacing and Harassment -- all constituting Domestic Violence -- plus Interfering with Making a Police Report. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 2/14/25 6:41AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Jailed Corrections Client for Escaping from Work Crew at GP Airport
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a Community Corrections client this week after he tried to escape from a work crew at the Grants Pass Airport. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested 46-year-old Jacob Girtman at or near the Josephine County Animal Shelter on Brookside Boulevard around midday on Wednesday. Deputies said an airport maintenance worker caught Girtman loitering around the hangars and he fled when contacted. The male subject reportedly jumped the fence and ran toward the Animal Shelter. When deputies arrived, Girtman continued eastbound through the dog kennels and jumped over a barbed wire fence before he was detained at Taser point. He tried to run again and kept fighting with deputies after being placed in handcuffs. It was believed he may have been under the influence of a narcotic stimulant. Once Girtman was put into a patrol vehicle, he tried to kick out a window and had to be restrained with leg wraps. During transport, he was somehow able to slip out of the wraps, so deputies were forced to pull over and contact the Oregon State Police to help restrain him again. Girtman eventually arrived at the Josephine County Jail where he was booked on charges of Escape, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Mischief and Furnishing False Information to Police plus the resulting Probation Violation. He was being held on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 2/14/25 6:32AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Arrested Pair for Warrant & Weapon Crimes after Williams Area Call
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested two people for warrant and weapon violations following a disturbance in the Williams area this week. According to the Sheriff's Office, deputies responded to the incident at a home in the 1400-block of Rock Creek Road early Wednesday morning. Deputies said the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center received a call from that address, but the call taker only heard shuffling on the line followed by the voice of a young woman asking someone to leave her alone. Dispatchers eventually learned that a verbal confrontation was taking place and they alerted deputies before it escalated. Upon arrival, deputies discovered that the two parties were arguing about the man allowing smoke into the home. The woman stated that she was helping clean up the property for the owner and denied that she was in a relationship with the man, who was identified as 37-year-old Bobby Gillette. Gillette was found to be wanted on a Grants Pass felony warrant containing a secret indictment for three counts of 1st-Degree Forgery. He was arrested and lodged at the Josephine County Jail. The young woman -- who was not identified -- was arrested for being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm. She was cited to appear in court and then given a courtesy ride into Grants Pass. The firearm was seized.
Posted on 2/14/25 6:30AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man on Local Warrant - He was Throwing Rocks at Cars
Grants Pass Police arrested a well-known offender on a local warrant after he was caught throwing rocks at cars on Rogue River Highway this week. The Police Department reports officers responded to the intersection of Highway 99 and Maple Lane on Wednesday morning. Police said 26-year-old Nick Dustin Farmer was called in for throwing rocks at vehicles and hitting at least two of them. He was detained near Playford Lane and found to be wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for Larceny or Petty Theft. Farmer was placed into custody and lodged in jail on the warrant. He was also warned for Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Mischief.
Posted on 2/14/25 6:27AM by Sam Marsh
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Grants Pass High School Project Graduation Sponsoring Will-a-Thon Fundraiser
Do you have a will? Grants Pass High School Project Graduation is once again sponsoring a "Will-a-Thon" to raise money for a safe drug- and alcohol-free party for the GPHS Class of 2025. Participants will consult with one of 13 volunteer attorneys to have a basic will, power of attorney and advanced directive prepared. Appointments are from February until early April. They are limited. The cost is $300 for one person or $350 per couple. All proceeds go to Project Graduation. To make your appointment, call Victory Walker today at (541)-285-7674. If you already have a will -- but would like to support graduating GPHS seniors, please send your contributions to GPHS, c/o Project Graduation, 830 NE 9th Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526.
Posted on 2/14/25 6:18AM by Sam Marsh
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