The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has extended an Air Quality Advisory affecting parts of Jackson County due to wildfire smoke. According to DEQ, the advisory affecting northern Jackson County is expected to last until at least Wednesday afternoon. Also affected are northern Klamath County, Lake County, Deschutes County and northern Harney County. DEQ expects intermittent smoke until at least Wednesday afternoon in southern Jackson County, eastern Douglas County, eastern Lane County, southern Grant County and Hood River County. Josephine County is not included in the advisory. Smoke levels can change rapidly depending on weather. Smoke can irritate eyes and lungs and worsen some medical conditions. People most at risk include infants and young children, older adults, pregnant women, and people with heart or lung disease. Protect yourself and your family when smoke levels are high. Stay inside if possible. Keep windows and doors closed. If it's too hot, run air conditioning on recirculate or consider moving to a cooler location. Avoid strenuous outdoor activities. If you have a breathing plan for a medical condition, be sure to follow it and keep any needed medications refilled.