Local News

Public Comments Dominate Josephine County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners had no public hearings or action items on its agenda for today's business session. The 22-minute meeting started with an invocation by Chad Hanson, a pastor with Edgewater Christian Fellowship, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The session was dominated by public comments including one man who opposed the religious invocation based on his belief of separation of church and state, and because he feels it discriminates against those who are not Christians. Other citizen comments involved opposition to the recent firing of Board Secretary Wendy Watkins and opposition to a Grants Pass couple who are once again trying to be removed from the Josephine Community Library District. Right-wing activist Mike Pelfrey and his wife are the couple attempting to be removed from the library district. He had commentary on the recent injunction placed on the City of Grants Pass for restricting homeless camping, saying that the injunction was approved by "a left-leaning liberal judge." Former Commissioner John West testified that he is concerned that the Board is considering the transfer of $200,000 from the Forestry Department to the Juvenile Justice Department. He said it could lead to the liquidation of County Forestry. Board Chair Andreas Blech said he would review the Charter based on West's comment, Board Vice-Chair Chris Barnett praised Public Works crews for working to keep rural roads clear of snow and Commissioner Ron Smith said he stands firm against the Statewide Wildfire Hazard Map, adding that he was amazed by the huge crowd that gathered for last week's meeting on Senate Bill 762.
Posted on 2/5/25 11:39AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Jailed Woman for Assaulting Fellow Tenant at Downtown Rental Unit
Grants Pass Police jailed a woman for assaulting a fellow tenant at a rental unit in the downtown area The Police Department reports officers responded to the incident in the 400-block of SW I Street on Tuesday at 8 p.m.. It allegedly occurred on Monday night. Police said a woman advised she recently moved into the residence on February 1st and is in a landlord-tenant arrangement with the property owner. The landlord has two separate living quarters in her backyard and her daughter lives in one of them. The daughter -- 40-year-old Hannah Rachael Rose Staicoff -- was allowed to enter the other woman's quarters to retrieve stored items. But on Monday night, Staicoff entered the other quarters while intoxicated and yelling, attempted to pull the other woman off her bed and physically attacked her by placing her hands around the woman's neck. According to the report, the victim sustained scratching, bruising and redness where Staicoff reportedly bit her. The victim sought treatment for her injuries at Three Rivers Medical Center. They were photographed by responding officers. Staicoff was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 4th-Degree Assault and Strangulation. She was being held without bail.
Posted on 2/5/25 11:37AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Jailed Felon for Violating Probation by Stealing Home Depot Property
Grants Pass Police jailed a local felon for violating his probation by trying to steal merchandise from Home Depot yesterday. The Police Department reports officers responded to a shoplifting complaint at the store on NE Mill Street on Tuesday at 12:40 p.m.. Police said 51-year-old Robert David Smith passed all points of sale with more than $385 worth of Home Depot merchandise before he was stopped by loss prevention just outside the store. They took the suspect to the loss prevention office where he refused to identify himself and was uncooperative. Upon arrival, police identified Smith' and contacted his corrections officer. She instructed them to place her client on a no-bail detainer. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 2nd-Degree Theft and the resulting Probation Violation. Smith was also trespassed from Home Depot which retained the stolen items.
Posted on 2/5/25 11:35AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Nabbed Woman for Trying to Steal Pair of Pants from Grange Co-op
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman for attempting to steal a pair of pants from Grange Co-op late yesterday. According to the Police Department, officers were alerted to a shoplifting call at the store on West Schutzwohl Lane near Redwood Highway on Tuesday at 5:09 p.m.. Police said 24-year-old Lauren Marie Espey passed all points of sale at Grange Co-op with a pair of pants valued at $30. She was stopped by loss prevention in the store parking lot and returned with them to the store. Espey reportedly admitted to the heist and was charged with 2nd-Degree Theft. After being trespassed from the store, she was cited to appear in court and then released.
Posted on 2/5/25 11:34AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Cited Two after Vehicle Collided with Moped in the Downtown Area
Grants Pass Police cited two people after a vehicle collided with a moped in the downtown area yesterday. The Police Department reports officers and emergency personnel responded to the two-vehicle crash at the corner of SE 9th and G streets on Tuesday at 11:45 a.m.. Police said the driver of a Suzuki sedan made a dangerous left turn that caused the moped rider to collide with the front fender of the vehicle. The moped rider flew over the hood of the Suzuki and landed on the ground. The moped rider was badly injured and transported to a local hospital where the trauma system was activated. Following an investigation, the Suzuki driver was cited for Dangerous Left Turn while the moped rider was cited for Driving While Suspended and Failure to Register Vehicle. GPPD did not identify either person. The damaged moped was logged into evidence for safekeeping.
Posted on 2/5/25 11:33AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Cited Teen Driver and Warned Her Mother after Cave Junction Stop
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office cited a young motorist and warned her mother following a traffic stop in downtown Cave Junction yesterday. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies pulled over a 2006 Toyota Sienna driven by a teenage girl in the 300-block of South Redwood Highway on Tuesday at 2:46 p.m.. Deputies said they stopped the vehicle for running a red light and discovered that the young driver had no license. She was cited for No Operator's License. The girl's mother was warned that if she continued to allow her daughter to drive without a license, she could possibly be arrested for Child Neglect or Reckless Endangering. The Toyota was parked and secured in a store parking lot and the mother was advised to find a licensed driver to retrieve it.
Posted on 2/5/25 11:31AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Jailed GP Area Woman for Assaulting Boyfriend in Front of 4 Children
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a Grants Pass area woman for felony assault after she allegedly beat up her boyfriend in front of their children. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at a home in the 100-block of Sycamore Drive on Monday night. Deputies said they received a call from a 30-year-old woman who stated that her boyfriend beat her up and threw her to the ground by her hair. They learned that four children in the home witnessed the incident. Upon arrival, deputies discovered that the female subject had been the aggressor by punching and hitting her boyfriend. She was placed into custody following the investigation. No one was seriously hurt. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony 4th-Degree Domestic Assault. She was being held without bail.
Posted on 2/5/25 6:39AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Man for Felony-Level Crimes after Responding to Shoplift Call
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for three felony-level crimes after responding to a shoplifting incident at Walmart this week. The Police Department reports officers arrested 31-year-old Anthony Boyd Mooney behind La Burrita Mexican Restaurant around midday Monday. Police said Mooney passed all points of sale at Walmart with nearly $700 worth of merchandise. They said he scanned around $300 in items, but skip-scanned about $400 more and then exited the store before being stopped by loss prevention. The stolen merchandise was recovered, but the suspect fled on foot. Responding officers chased Mooney in the area before finally placing him into custody. A records check revealed that he was wanted in connection with a separate incident that generated charges of Felony Burglary, Felony Theft and Felony Criminal Mischief. Mooney was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on probable cause of the felony crimes plus new charges of 2nd-Degree Theft and 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass. He was being held without bail. His pickup was seized for further investigation.
Posted on 2/5/25 6:38AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Man Wanted on Warrant after Suspicious Activity Complaint
Grants Pass Police arrested a man wanted on an out-of-county warrant while investigating a report of suspicious activity at a fast food restaurant. The Police Department reports officers responded to the incident at the Sonic drive-thru on Union Avenue late Monday night. Police said a caller reported a male subject asked for a ride and when they said "no," the man pulled a large knife out of his pants. The subject was reported to be wearing a black ski mask and purple jacket with no shoes or socks as he walked past their vehicle. Officers arrived on scene and -- following an investigation -- determined 36-year-old Trevor James Hudson was in possession of a pair of needle-nose pliers and not a knife. He also did not threaten anyone. However, Hudson was found to be wanted on a Lane County Corrections warrant for Felony Parole Violation because he moved out of the Eugene area without proper clearance. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 2/5/25 6:37AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Transient on Local Warrants while Investigating Trespass Call
Grants Pass Police arrested a male transient on two local warrants this week after finding him sleeping in front of a north-city ice cream parlor. According to the Police Department, officers were alerted to two men -- including 36-year-old Ian Seiwell Hogue -- sleeping under blankets by Udder's Ice Cream off NE 7th Street early Monday morning. Police said Hogue left the area while they were checking for warrants. They said he was found to be wanted on two Grants Pass warrants for failing to appear in court for Felony Possession of Fentanyl and Possession of Methamphetamine. Officers tracked down Hogue and placed him into custody near a marijuana dispensary. He was lodged in jail on the warrants and was being held on $20,000 bail. Both he and the other man -- identified as "Shaun Gee" -- were trespassed from Udder's.
Posted on 2/5/25 6:35AM by Sam Marsh
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Avista Utilities Explains How Very Cold Weather Impacts Home Energy Usage
The National Weather Service is predicting a cold snap in Southern Oregon when residents may see cooler than average temperatures -- especially at night -- for the next week. Avista Utilities closely monitors the weather and wants you to be prepared and safe. In normal cold weather, heating is responsible for more than half of a home's energy usage. When it's colder than normal outside, home heating systems run more often and for longer periods of time to maintain warm temperatures inside, even if the thermostat isn't touched. The more energy a home's heating system uses, the more that home's next energy bill will be. To learn more about how cold weather affects your bill and find low cost and no-cost energy saving tips and videos, visit "myavista.com/winterbill." To find ways to prepare for and report a gas outage, visit "myavista.com/outage."
Posted on 2/5/25 6:19AM by Sam Marsh
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Board of Commissioners Weekly Business Session Features Very Light Agenda
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners should make quick work of a light agenda for its weekly business session this morning. There are no public hearings, administration action items or proclamations on the meeting docket. Under Public Comment from Citizens, participants are given three minutes to address the Board on virtually any topic pertaining to Josephine County. Board members may review public comments and address those topics. Today's public meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium.
Posted on 2/5/25 6:18AM by Sam Marsh
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