Local News

Board Approves First Reading of Ordinance to Establish "Fairgrounds Permanent Fund"

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The Josephine County Board of Commissioners on Wednesday took the first step in creating a permanent financial resource for the Fairgrounds in south Grants Pass.

Following a public hearing, the Board voted unanimously to approve the first reading of an ordinance that amends the Josephine County Code to establish a Fairgrounds Permanent Fund using proceeds from the $9.5 million sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church. Adoption is set for June 5th.

Legal Counsel Wally Hicks testified that Oregon Revised Statutes allow the Board to open the reserve fund interest-bearing account in order to pay for Fairgrounds' projects, services and equipment. He said the fund must be maintained at no less than $9 million, and the Commissioners and Fair Board can authorize loans from the account to pay for the facility's financial needs. There was no public comment.

The Board also unanimously approved three annexations to the Illinois Valley Fire District and one annexation to the Josephine Community Library District. The annexations were by petition of the landowners, without election.

In Requests and Comments from Citizens, the Board heard about concerns over funding for the Firewise program, a suggestion that the City of Grants Pass should contribute funding to the Animal Shelter, a complaint about prominent Democrats changing their party affiliations in order to influence election results and one lady who spoke about the importance of patriotism related to Memorial Day.
Posted on 5/23/24 6:15AM by Sam Marsh