Local News

Complaint from GP Gas Attendant Led to Arrest of Motorist for Impaired Driving

A traffic complaint from a Grants Pass gas station attendant led to the arrest of a motorist for impaired driving early yesterday.

Grants Pass Police were alerted to a highly impaired motorist by an attendant at the 76 station on NE 6th Street at about 3:20 a.m. Thursday.

Police said the 37-year-old male driver of a red BMW was called in by the worker after he stopped in to get some gas. The caller said the man smelled heavily of alcohol and he had two intoxicated passengers in the back of his car.

Officers located the suspect vehicle in the downtown area and the driver pulled into an alley to avoid contact, but he was found. A female passenger in the vehicle bailed out and ran away. The driver performed poorly in field sobriety tests, but refused to provide a breath sample. A search warrant was obtained and he was taken to Three Rivers Medical Center for a legal blood draw that was positive.

The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and his car was impounded.
Posted on 4/26/24 6:30AM by Sam Marsh