Local News

Jackson County Sheriff's Office Named "2023 Oregon DUII Enforcement Agency of Year"

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The Jackson County Sheriff's Office was honored with the 2023 Oregon DUII Enforcement Agency of the Year Award in a ceremony last week.

The award came from the Oregon DUII Multi-Disciplinary Training Task Force in recognition for outstanding professional achievement in the deterrence and prevention of impaired driving in the state.

This award highlighted the Sheriff's Office comprehensive approach to ensuring road safety and reducing DUII incidents within Jackson County. In 2023, the Sheriff's Patrol Division -- which was comprised of approximately 40 sworn personnel -- was responsible for 1,032 crash investigations, 367 DUII arrests and 13,526 traffic stops.

Beyond DUII enforcement, Jackson County has adopted a strategy to prevent DUIIs, emphasizing strong community ties and proactive education. These efforts include the launch of a Citizen Recognition Program to honor and encourage public involvement in identifying impaired drivers, enhancing collaborations with emergency response teams, and the delivery of extensive educational programs targeting various community segments.

The Sheriff's Office also places a significant emphasis on law enforcement training including refreshers on field sobriety testing, advanced roadside impaired driving enforcement and specialized courses on drug influence evaluation.
Posted on 4/10/24 6:16AM by Sam Marsh