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OR Department of Revenue States Tax Filing Deadline Just Over a Week Away

This year's tax deadline is just over a week away as both state and federal income taxes need to be filed by April 15th.

Nearly 1.3 million Oregonians have already filed their state personal income tax returns. The state is expecting to receive 2.2 million returns this year, leaving more than 900,000 Oregonians who still have to filed their taxes before the deadline.

E-filing is the fastest way for taxpayers to get their tax refund. On average, those who e-file their returns and request their refunds via direct deposit receive their refund sooner than those who file paper returns and request paper refund checks.

The Oregon Department of Revenue provides several options for taxpayers to e-file their returns for free. Oregon Free Fillable Forms performs basic calculations and is ideal for taxpayers who don't need help preparing their returns and want the convenience of filing electronically. IRS offers a similar option for federal taxes.

New this year, the department is also offering Direct File Oregon, which allows taxpayers to file their form OR-40 through Revenue Online. Direct File Oregon is not currently linked with the IRS Direct File. Taxpayers will need to file a separate federal return with the IRS before filing an Oregon return with Direct File Oregon through Revenue Online.

Information about other available free tax preparation software is available on the Revenue website at "oregon.gov/dor."
Posted on 4/6/24 5:09AM by Chuck Benson