Local News

State Fire Marshal Requesting Nominations for 2024 Golden and Silver Sparky Awards

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The Oregon State Fire Marshal is calling on Oregonians and local fire agencies to submit their nominations for the prestigious Golden and Silver Sparky Awards.

The awards recognize outstanding achievements in fire prevention and public safety education. They honor the dedication and commitment of people and organizations working to create safer communities.

The Golden Sparky Award is awarded to a fire service member or agency demonstrating exemplary efforts in fire prevention or public safety education.

The Silver Sparky Award recognizes the remarkable contributions of civilians or civilian agencies demonstrating exemplary efforts in fire prevention and education.

Nominations for these awards are open until April 1st. To nominate deserving candidates, simply submit a nomination form along with a detailed explanation and examples showcasing the nominee's exceptional achievements.

For more information and to access the nomination form, visit the OSFM Sparky Award webpage or e-mail "publicaffairs.osfm@osfm.oregon.gov."
Posted on 3/27/24 5:10AM by Sam Marsh