Local News

GP Parks Staff Continues Working to Maintain and Improve Recreation Spaces

Batter up! Grants Pass Parks staff renovated the softball infield at Eckstein Park over the last couple of months -- measuring and removing overgrown outfield turf -- to bring it back to the original infield dimensions.

Staff also incorporated two tons of Turface, a calcined clay soil additive, to enhance soil management, preventing oversaturation and maintaining optimal playing conditions. Renovating ballfields is crucial for maintaining safe and enjoyable recreation spaces for the community.

Meanwhile, the pond at Reinhart Volunteer Park was restocked with 300 legal-sized rainbow trout last week by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

More bark was spread to freshen up the landscape beds at Morrison Centennial Park last week. Staff also removed some concrete to gain access to a couple of valve repairs at Reinhart Volunteer Park and took proactive measures to enhance safety by removing the decaying railroad ties and installing a new concrete curb, effectively eliminating a potential trip hazard.

Staff also removed several stumps throughout the parks system, and pruned trees at the Grants Pass Skate Park and Tussing Park where the bucket truck was needed to reach some of the higher limbs.
Posted on 3/25/24 5:11AM by Sam Marsh