Local News

BCC Okays $2.4 Million Grant Agreement with OR Criminal Justice Commission

The Josephine County Board of Commissioners today unanimously approved a grant agreement with the state that will help fund the local criminal justice system over the next two years.

The Board voted 3-0 to approve the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission's Justice Reinvestment Grant Program in Josephine County.

The two-year agreement with the state commission is for a total of more than $2.4 million, which will be disbursed in four equal installments of about $614,000. The program runs until January 5, 2025 and -- unless it's extended -- would expire in March 2026.

Board Vice-Chair Herman Baertschiger said three-quarters of services provided by Josephine County come from state and federal grants. He added that without those grants, it would be impossible for the county to provide many current services.

The public comment period included praise for Commissioner Dan DeYoung and the Sheriff's Office, concern over potential removal of a dam on the Applegate River in Murphy and a request that Josephine County remove itself from the state's self-proclaimed immigration sanctuary.

In Matters from Commissioners, Board Chair John West removed himself as staff liaison for the Public Health Department without stating the reason. Commissioner Baertschiger volunteered to replace him.
Posted on 3/13/24 10:25AM by Sam Marsh