Local News

GP Residents Unable to Attend Public Safety Funding Session Can Do So Online

Grants Pass residents who were unable to attend or view the city's Public Safety Listening and Learning session this week can still watch what happened.

On Thursday night, the Grants Pass City Council held the forum to better inform residents about the public safety funding crisis and the options that could be used to close the gap between costs and revenue for police and fire services.

City staff explained why more General Fund support is necessary to fund the rising costs of public safety services each year as well as the limitations of the current budget. Funding options were discussed, outlining the pros and cons of each option. Questions from the public were answered by the staff and Council.

While nothing has been finalized, the majority of the City Council has expressed its support for a 1.5% general sales tax combined with a $12 hike to the monthly utility fee. No other city in Oregon is using a sales tax in this manner and some people in the audience said a citizen referendum could be mounted to defeat it.

The City Council is hoping to come to a final decision on a plan in the near future.

The Public Safety Funding session was streamed on the City of Grants Pass YouTube channel at "youtube.com@cityofgrantspass5880/streams" and it still can be viewed there.
Posted on 1/27/24 5:30AM by Chuck Benson