Local News

Rural Metro Officials Encourage Keeping Doors Closed to Slow Fire Spread

Did you know a closed door can save your life?

Rural Metro Fire Department reports a closed door limits air movement through a home, slowing the spread of flames, heat and smoke.

In a fire situation when seconds count, especially when you're asleep, every action can be the difference between life and death for you, your family and your pets.

If sleeping with a closed door makes you uncomfortable, be sure to have an adequate number of working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home.

Seriously consider closing all interior doors when you are away from home. A fire when you are gone can be held from getting bigger while you wait for someone else to call it in and for firefighters to arrive on scene.

Officials say protected pets, contents and valuables are much easier to save.
Posted on 1/17/24 6:14AM by Sam Marsh