Local News

GP Police Cited & Evicted 7 Campers for Repeat Park Ordinance Violations

Grants Pass Police cited and evicted seven campers for repeated ordinance violations in city parks yesterday.

During a patrol check at Baker Park, Tyson Hutchinson, Shayne Mueller, Russell Thompson, Heather Easom and David Wilson were all cited for Illegal Camping after they failed to remove their campsites that had been previously posted. Easom was also cited for Buffer Zone Violation. All were trespassed for 30 days.

During a patrol check on the nearby Texas Property, Ronald Castro was trespassed.

During a patrol check at Fruitdale Park, Johnathon Babb was cited for Illegal Camping after he failed to remove his campsite that had been posted. He was given a 30-day exclusion. One abandoned tent that was wet and soiled was removed for disposal.
Posted on 12/5/23 11:04AM by Sam Marsh