Local News

New Talent Senior Apartment Complex Gets Oregon Housing Stability Council Funds

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The Oregon Housing Stability Council has approved $56.7 million in Small Projects and Veterans funding to 11 affordable housing developments across the state including one in Jackson County.

These investments from Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will provide a total of 261 homes in smaller developments for veterans, seniors, people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers and wildfire survivors.

OHCS defines smaller developments as those having 40 homes or fewer in one complex. Five developments selected for funding are in rural areas and six are in urban areas.

Locally, the Talent 2 Senior Apartments will receive $5.2 million to provide 26 homes. The funding will assist seniors who lost their homes to the devastating Almeda Fire in 2020.

Brookings CORE Response -- a nonprofit that serves veterans experiencing homelessness -- was awarded $3.2 million for the creation of the Veterans Housing Project, which will provide 18 much-needed homes in Gold Beach.

OHCS received a total of 17 applications amounting to over $94 million in funding requests. The agency is grateful to the internal and external scoring committees for their diligent evaluation of the applications.
Posted on 11/9/23 5:53AM by Sam Marsh