Local News

Concussion policy under debate by District Seven

The Grants Pass School District Seven Board discussed the Grants Pass High School Athletic Department’s concussion policies during their Tuesday meeting and it seemed general consensus among board members and administration that the policy needs to change.

GPHS Athletic Director Clay Rounsaville addressed the board regarding his concern for current procedures. Currently, Rounsaville tests students before their athletic careers at the school to determine a student’s base performance level. When a child is under suspicion of a concussion, they are taken off the field and before the student can play a game again they are retested by Rounsaville who determines if the student passes the concussion test.

Rounsaville says because testing has improved more concussions are being detected than ever. This fall sports season 10 students at GPHS have or had a concussion during this season. He adds that concern for the welfare of students is paramount, “Obviously it’s a huge concern for us because we’re always going to put the safety of our athletes first and foremost. I think the days of “oh you just got hit in the head, get out there your ok,” those days are over and they probably should be. Are we a little over cautious? I guess I’d tell you that I rather be over cautious than the other way,” Rounsaville said.

The board was concerned with the possible liability implications for the district and staff was directed to draft a resolution for the next board meeting.

Posted on 10/10/12 2:43AM by Jared Dill