Local News

Final suspect in robbery drama pleads guilty

The final suspect in a robbery case that has been investigated and deliberated for the better part of a year pled guilty today in Josephine County Circuit Court to second-degree robbery and unlawful use of a weapon.

Judge Pat Wolke sentenced 45-year-old Crystal Ann Anders to nearly six years in prison for her involvement in the robbery of Destiny Ridenour and Keanon Gardner in the 200 block of Rogue River Avenue on May 17.

Anders, Elias Ortiz III and Zara Thomas held the victim’s hostage with their own gun while they ransacked the home.

Ortiz and Thomas were sentenced in September. Ortiz received over 13 years and Thomas received over three years in the Oregon Department of Corrections.
Posted on 10/9/12 7:54PM by Jared Dill