Local News

Councilors rescind water rate increase vote and will reexamine issue

Grants Pass City Councilors tonight voted to rescind a vote made at the last council meeting that would have increased the water rates by $3.60 per month.

Councilor Richard Michelon felt that the numbers provided by city staff regarding an annual $738,000 budget shortfall in the city’s water department were inaccurate and more due diligence was required to ensure that council was making the proper decision.

Councilors Kris Woodburn and Darin Fowler felt that staff had made the correct observations when calculating the figures and water rates have been far below what is needed to maintain the water department’s infrastructure for many years. Woodburn stated that he felt it would be wrong to pass the costs of maintaining a water system down the line to burden future generations.

The vote to revisit the water rate increase passed four to three with Michelon, Councilor Dan DeYoung, Councilor Dennis Webber and Councilor Jim Williams for the reconsideration and Woodburn, Fowler and Councilor Rick Riker against it. Councilor Lily Morgan was not present at the meeting and thus did not vote.

The council also voted unanimously to place a slip of paper in city utility bills encouraging customers to take a survey from the non-profit organization Securing Our Safety at their website. The survey asks citizens questions regarding public safety in Josephine County.
Posted on 10/4/12 4:19AM by Jared Dill