Local News

The Guardians of the Ribbon visit Grants Pass to raise breast cancer awareness

The Guardians of the Ribbon, a non-profit consisting of firefighters who travel the country to raise breast cancer awareness, will be holding a meet and greet at the Redwood Motel located at 815 N.E. 6th St. from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. today.

The Guardians are based out of Arizona and say that their mission is about men supporting women in the fight against cancer.

The Guardians, who wear pink fire suits and travel in four pink fire trucks, left Clackamas Saturday and will travel from Grants Pass to Ukia, Calif., Tuesday.

Grants Pass is the 39th stop during the group’s summer “Pink Heals” tour of 53 separate locations across the country.
Posted on 9/17/12 9:49PM by Jared Dill