Local News

Father & Daughter Escape Crash with Minor Injuries after Seizure

A 36-year old Medford father and his 8-year old daughter escaped with minor injures Sunday evening after Kris Garbutt suffered a seizure and lost control of their Ford pickup that struck a power pole next to the Black Bird Shopping Center, plowed through two parked cars, mowed down a fence and rolled over ten feet from an apartment building.

Garbutt was traveling north on Jeanette Avenue when his pickup went through the intersection at West Main. Jeanette turns into Western after it crosses West Main.

Garbutt said he wasn’t aware he had any medical condition, other than being dehydrated. Authorities determined he was not under the influence of intoxicants but he was cited for driving with a suspended license.
Posted on 9/17/12 12:55PM by Chuck Benson