Local News

Little Change in Josephine County Election Results after 3rd Run of Ballots on Wednesday

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The unofficial results of Tuesday's primary election in Josephine County did not change much after the third run of ballots by the Clerk's Office yesterday.

As of 5 p.m. Wednesday, the race for Position #2 on the Josephine County Board of Commissioners was still between Chris Barnett and Colene Martin. Barnett had 45.2% of the vote while Martin received 24.2%. Barring any dramatic changes, those two candidates will face off in the November general election.

For Position #3, Pat Fahey was still leading with 39.05% of the ballots while Ron Smith was the runner-up with 26.08%. Fahey and Smith will face off in November.

It was still bad news for all three ballot measures in Josephine County. Measure 17-116 to replace the County Charter, Measure 17-117 to fund the Animal Shelter and Animal Control, and Measure 17-118 to authorize bonds for Three Rivers School District building improvements were all failing by wide margins.

Republican Noah Robinson was easily defeating Christine Goodwin in the race for State Senate District 2 by a 60.89% to 38.79% margin. Democrat Mark Seligman was still up big over Dustin Watkins in the race for House District 3 by a 60.79% to 36.86% tally.

The Josephine County turnout for the May Primary Election stood at 39.44%. The next results of the election are expected to be released by 5 p.m. today.
Posted on 5/23/24 6:17AM by Sam Marsh