Local News

Big Cat Still at Large

One sighting of the Cougar inside the city limits of Grants Pass was reported last night with the big cat still in the reported in the Gilbert Creek area.

The cougar was first sighted in the area of Northwest Prospect Avenue near Gilbert Creek around at 7 p.m. Wednesday night. The cat was seen in a resident’s garden and later on a home’s porch. Officers were unable to locate the big cat.

Police officers did confirm a sighting of the animal at about 3:30 a.m. Thursday morning in the area of Southwest 4th and Southwest “J” Street.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Game advises most sightings do not warrant a response. It is rare to see a mountain lion and they rarely pose a threat. However, a single incident or series of sightings and or incidents could indicate a pattern of behavior that is considered a concern. ‘

Residents are urged to call the Department of Public Safety’s business number at 541-450-6260 should you observe a mountain lion within the city limits. If the sighting is emergent in nature, call 911.

Some tips from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding mountain lion encounters are posted on this station’s website.

Cougars often will retreat if given the opportunity. Leave the animal a way to escape.
Stay calm and stand your ground.
Maintain direct eye contact.
Pick up children, but do so without bending down or turning your back on the cougar.
Back away slowly.
Do not run. Running triggers a chase response in cougars, which could lead to an attack.
Raise your voice and speak firmly.
If the cougar seems aggressive, raise your arms to make yourself look larger and clap your hands.
If in the very unusual event that a cougar attacks you, fight back with rocks, sticks, tools or any items available.
Posted on 6/5/15 4:32AM by Chuck Benson