Local News

Applications Still Being Accepted for Seat on Bikeways & Walkways Committee

Applications are still be accepted for one position on the Grants Pass & Josephine County Bikeways & Walkways Committee, but time is running short to apply.

The purpose of this committee is to seek input from the community, coordinate and disseminate information for public education about biking and walking routes and rules, and serve as a resource and advisory group regarding bicycle and pedestrian trails for the City of Grants Pass and Josephine County.

Applicants for this position must be city residents and the special qualification is a person who represents the interests of bikers and walkers.

Applications are available at the City Administration Office at 101 NW A Street or online at "grantspassoregon.gov/committee-application." Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. this Friday, December 6th.

Applications will be reviewed by the Committee on Tuesday, December 10th.

The Grants Pass City Council will make the appointment at its regular meeting on Wednesday, January 15th.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:42AM by Sam Marsh