GPCC Approves FEMA Measure, CDBG Grant Reports & Misc. Business Measures
The Grants Pass City Council during the regular business session Wednesday night approved the CDBG grant report, annexed a property to the city, okayed a FEMA compliance measure and amended certain fee schedules.
The Council first approved a resolution to accept the Community Development Block Grant Program annual report for 2023. Regulations require the city annually assess the program’s accomplishments and describe any obstacles encountered.
The City received $361,709 in program funds in October of 2023 through September of 2024 to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate-income persons. The last day to submit the report to HUD is December 27th.
The Council then approved an ordinance annexing property located at 1907 Fruitdale Drive into the city limits. The applicant, Home Bridging, Inc, sought the annexation so the property can be connected to municipal utilities.
A pre-implementation compliance measure mandated by FEMA to require impacted Oregon communities to demonstrate how development within the special flood hazard area and riparian buffer zone is compliant with the endangered species act was adopted by resolution. The city currently has approximately 1,088 properties affected. Letters will be sent to affected property owners about the coming changes and notifying those affected about future meetings to explain the requirement.
Annual cost of living fee schedule adjustments was increased by approximately three percent.
Rebecca Cavanaugh was appointed to the Parks Advisory Committee.
Grants Pass’s new sister city Autlan de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico was recognized. Incidentally that is the hometown of rock guitarist Carlos Santana.