Commission Approved Property Sale and Updates to Josephine County Code
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners took action on a future property sale plus ordinances pertaining to the County Code following four public hearings this morning.
The Board voted 2-0 to approve the sale on nine county-owned properties, most of which were acquired through foreclosure for unpaid property taxes. Board Chair John West was absent so Vice-Chair Herman Baertschiger officiated the meeting.
County Property Manager Helene Lulich testified two of the properties have been logged by the Forestry Department. They are 160-acre parcels on Caves Camp and Munger Creek roads. She said a Sheriff's Sale will liquidate all the properties, with sealed bids due on November 13th and the auction scheduled for November 14th.
The Commissioners continued working on modifying the Josephine County Code by approving an order updating a 30-year-old chapter related to ballot measures to put it in line with Oregon Revised Statutes. They also repealed two ordinances regarding genetically engineered plants and loitering at the county jail.
Assistant County Legal Counsel Leah Harper said both ordinances were outdated. She said the citizen-approved ordinance related to genetically engineered plants was invalidated by a state court and the county jail was located in the basement of the Courthouse when that ordinance was approved in 1963.
During the public comment period, the Board heard from citizens who championed the benefits of Veterans Services in the community, complained about defunding the 4-H Extension Service District, showed concern over a lack of funding for the Health Department along with the current divisive political climate, and praised the action to create a fire protection district as well as the installation of GPS devices in all county-owned vehicles. One person spoke about the benefits of "kindness."
Posted on 10/2/24 11:37AM by Sam Marsh