Local News

Bicyclist Steals Gate Chain & Winds Up in the JoCo Jail

Josephine County Deputies Friday arrested a male bicyclist after he allegedly stole a chain from a secure gate Thursday.

Deputies were alerted Thursday afternoon to the report of a man on a bike going through a woman’s gate and stealing the chain used to secure it in the area of South Sawyer Avenue and West Lister Street in Cave Junction. The woman stated she had a picture of the suspect.

Upon receiving the photo, a deputy recognized the suspect as a local transient and would follow up on Friday. Friday morning just after 11 a.m. that deputy took the 44-year-old suspect into custody, transported him and lodged him into the Josephine County jail for theft III, criminal trespass Ii and possession of methamphetamine.

He remained in custody Saturday morning.
Posted on 9/14/24 7:33AM by Chuck Benson