Grants Pass Police Busy with Incidents and Ordinance Violations in City Parks
Grants Pass police officers had their hands full while patrolling city parks on Wednesday.
The Police Department reports officers responded to an animal complaint at Lawnridge Park on NW Hawthorne Avenue at about 12:35 p.m. yesterday.
Police said a male camper's female dog broke off its anchored leash and bit an 11-year-old child who was on the swing set at the park playground. The child's mother took them to the hospital for medical care while the father got into an argument and then physical fight with the camper. No one was hurt.
Officers cited the camper for Nuisance Dog and No Dog License. He was issued a 30-day exclusion from the park while the female dog and four puppies were taken to the Josephine County Animal Shelter for quarantine.
Meanwhile at Tussing Park, a total of 40 campsites were posted for Illegal Camping and a man was cited for Misuse of Park Open Spaces. An e-mail was sent to the United Community Action Network (UCAN).
At Morrison Centennial Park, a total of 14 campsites were posted for Illegal Camping and a man was cited for Buffer Zone Violation. An e-mail was sent to UCAN.
At Fruitdale Park, eight campsites were posted for Illegal Camping, a man was cited for Scattering Rubbish and a woman was cited for Misuse of Open Spaces. The man was trespassed from the park for 30 days. An e-mail was sent to UCAN.
Posted on 5/30/24 11:21AM by Sam Marsh