Local News

GP Police Collared State Fugitive in Morrison Centennial Park Patrol Check

Grants Pass Police apprehended a fugitive wanted on a statewide felony warrant while performing a patrol check at a city park on Memorial Day.

According to the Police Department, officers spotted the 55-year-old male subject at Morrison Centennial Park on Rogue River Highway on Monday at 9:06 a.m..

Police said the city park camper was known to them from previous contacts and a records check showed that he was wanted on an Oregon State warrant for Felony Parole Violation. While being placed into custody, he was found with a small amount of methamphetamine which was seized for destruction.

The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the no-bail warrant and he was cited to appear in court for the narcotics violation. He was also trespassed from the park for 30 days.
Posted on 5/28/24 11:23AM by Sam Marsh